Monday, December 19, 2011

About Kenneth Campbell aka "Brother Pastor Ken Bleu Campbell"

Bio By Eric Rhodes

Eric Rhodes is a former atheist who was radically transformed by a dramatic and supernatural, “Road to Damascus”, encounter with Jesus in 1990.  Today he delivers passionate spirit-filled messages that reach the lost, encourage believers, edify  local churches and refresh their leaders. Eric’s relatable down to earth style and colorful sense of humor, have helped many hearts open to the message of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

From Africa to L.A., his anointed and soulful saxophone sound has touched the lives of millions.  Eric Rhodes was a featured soloist with Joyce Meyer for 7 years, and has ministered live with Darlene Zschech and Hillsong, Delirious, and other great artists.  His gift has made room for him to minister in numerous conferences and churches, including Lakewood, The Potter’s House, Church On The Way, and many others large and small.  Eric Rhodes is currently in the studio finishing his third album with world renowned Christian musicians and multiple Grammy winners.

Eric is the Author of the Following assignment (The subject of Brother Ken Campbell) for his Theological Class at Missouri Baptist College in St. Louis, Mo., 1991.  He received the grade of "A" for the Paper.

Many of the inner-cities in the United States have become nothing short of a war zone. The enemy has declared war on these areas and isn't holding back, attacking the family, children, and specifically the youth, both spiritually and naturally with unemployment, alcoholism, hopelessness, gang, and drug activities. However, the devil already lost this war when Jesus Christ died on the Cross-at Calvary by taking the sins of the world, and rising triumphantly from the dead after three days. One ministry that is uncompromisingly committed to proclaiming the victory of Jesus to the hurting and the lost in the innercity is the ministry of  Ken 'Brother Bleu' Campbell of Good Ground Ministries, formally known as Innercity Dynamics Outreach Ministries, Incorporated. The ministry based in East St. Louis, Illinois, is called by many, the 'I'm Tired of Tripping Center”.

Throughout my association with Ken, I have found him to be committed to the restoration of all things back unto God by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in an unorthodox, non-traditional, yet powerfully unique, culturally palatable, anointed way. "Brother True Bleu" as he is affectionately called by many, is a vibrant and compelling minister of the Gospel with a heart for the hurting, not only for those of his own ethnicity but for all those whom he may encounter. He has mentored many brothers and sisters in the community who have continued in his footsteps and now have their own similar outreach ministries. With an extraordinary command of God's Word, Ken ministers the Grace of God to the 'hardhearted' with acumen that is culturally palatable and uniquely expressive.

Because of his overwhelming burden to see people succeed and souls saved, Ken started Inner-city Dynamics Outreach Ministries, Incorporating as a non-profit charitable organization, in the state of Illinois, in 1991. Subsequently, the ministry became known and reorganized as Good Ground Ministries, East St. Louis, Illinois, in 1997.

One of the most noticeable and strong points of Brother Bleu's ministry in particular is that it disciples the new believers so that they can develop ministries of their own for the purpose of reaching those with whom they have associations, most of which will never be reached by the church. Ken's house was frequented so much by those who were hurting, saved, or edified, that it was labeled The I'm Tired of Tripping' Center, a colloquial term that essentially means "A Place to Find Peace”. Those that were hurting, hopeless, depressed, hungry, addicted to drugs, or confused about life, always seemed to find out about the ministry through someone else that was helped.

There were also several people from other countries that were ministered to in this house, many of which spoke no English! Some of the countries include Columbia, South America, Honduras, Cuba, and Panama. Only God knows how so many different ethnicities came to this home that is essentially in the middle of the Inner-city, also called the 'hood' (neighborhood).His vision has remained the same over the years and that is to continue an outworking of the Gospel that touches people’s lives, that they may be equipped to be a living testimony in their communities and in their journeys outside of them.  Changed lives are an indisputable witness to the power of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Ken Bleu Campbell Ministries, a.k.a. Good Ground Ministries, is bearing much fruit to the Glory (manifested presence) of God by making a difference through the Word of God, the anointing, and leading of the Holy Spirit, one life at a time.

Another way in which this ministry has been affecting its community is through Good Ground Videos, which formerly operated out of a store front establishment in downtown, East St. Louis. This is an outreach in which Christian, family, educational, business, instructional, Black History, and Gospel music videos, Books on Cassette Tape, and Teaching Cassettes are made available to the public on a rental basis. The operation known as Good Ground Rentals compiled about 150 regular members monthly. The ministry also  branched out internationally with display advertising in the popular Christian magazines, Charisma, Ministries Today, and New Man. A tremendous response has been experienced and the lives that could be and have been touched by these efforts is impossible to calculate.
Ken received responses from over 200 people during this campaign including 45 responses from other countries worldwide.  Many were supplied with Christian and Educational Videos, Books, and other assistance. This list includes Jerusalem, Tuhgben West Africa, Senegal West Africa, Germany, India, Pago Pago, and Mauritius Indian Ocean.  Christian, Children's, Educational, and Instructional Videos, and even money were sent to several of these countries requesting charity and help with their Ministries.

One of the ministers that teamed with Ken is Pastor Ron Haynes, labeled by many prominent national ministers, "the Billy Graham of inner-city evangelism". Ron was a 20 year veteran of street and inner-city evangelism when he and Ken met in 1987 at a Sunday evening church service. They were Introduced by Rev. Henry Phillips, (Power of Change Ministries, Cahokia, Illinois) just prior to Ken's Assistant Pastoral position at the 15th Baptist Church in East St.Louis, the two found out that they shared a compassion for the hurting in the inner-city.

During this partnership many were saved and the newly saved were being refreshed and edified.  Some of the cities that street and indoor rallies were conducted by the team with great success were Chicago, Alton, Jacksonville, Atlanta, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Cahokia, Illinois, and other cities.  The ministry has been effective in evangelism through street rallies as well as one on one personal prophetic ministry and counseling at it's domestic residence, church fellowships, Ministry Conferences, or randomly on the streets. In the street rallies, one of which I have been blessed to personally participate, Ken sets up his conga drums with his Latin Jazz Band or by playing to up tempo contemporary Christian music over the P.A. system on the street. As the music is going forth, Dr. Ron Haynes follows by preach/'rapping' and attracts a crowd that is both amused and curios.

As the street rally winds down, Apostle Ron passes the microphone to Ken and people are coming from the corner or out of the housing projects cracks and crevices to see what's going on. As the people come nearer to the festivities, they will find out that the words being rapped about and sung are an "Afro centric" style of presenting Jesus Christ. As the ministry thrusts forward people are excepting Christ and being saved and delivered right there in the streets!

An important element in this technique is that it is culturally palatable and relevant to the times through Rap, Jazz, Latin, and R&B music styles, together with colloquial lingo being used. Yet, this method of ministering retains the essence of the eternal and unchanging message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.

Holding a typical church or tent meeting wouldn't gather or attract the attention of those that  know absolutely nothing about the gospel.  Many , however, will respond to this kind of evangelism.    As the anointing of Grace (enabling power) is released through the preaching of the street ministers, it is common to see tears streaming down many faces, as people both intoxicated and sober, end up praying in sincerity and accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

The ministry of Brother Bleu aka Kenny Candela, and associates has not kept itself hidden within the four walls of a church building or behind a desk and out of touch with the hurting. Many who don't attend any kind of church except during a funeral or wedding were reached through conducting the outdoor street rallies. This is a ministry with a burden for the lost hopeless, spiritually unfilled, untutored, and is presenting the Gospel through culturally relevant, yet, powerfully anointed innovative formats.

Ken Bleu's zealous pursuit of the purpose of God within his own life has caused a refreshing river of blessing to flow out from him and into the spiritually aris and sin-wearied lives of those who live in the 'hood'. The thirsty are being satisfied through the sincere and powerful proclamation of the Word of God and prophetic gifts that Ken compassionately applies like a healing salve one life at a time.

Inner-city Dynamics, currently Good Ground Ministries, and through the work of it's founder Kenneth "Brother Bleu" Campbell and the mentoring and support of minister friends like Apostle Ron Haynes, Apostle Jefferson Edwards, Minister's Gary Nobles, Richard and John Sanford, Doris Morrow, Stu Ottolini, Mike Van Britzin and other associated 'Bleeds', have effectively reached out to it's community and abroad through the power of the Gospel.

I have seen these street rally ministers in action, have participated with them, and can conclude that street rallies are an extremely effective method in reaching the lost, not only in the inner-city but any location where the Gospel of Christ is boldly proclaimed.

Ken should be commended and supported for his unique, unceasing and uncompromising efforts to establish the Kingdom of God within his nation. He is the original B.L.E.E.D., going forth with the power of an indwelling Holy Spirit and enabling ability of Grace, to disciple a new generation of BLEEDS to keep the torch burning in the name (authority) of the “Prince of Peace”, Jesus Christ. Your Support of this Ministry is vital and needed.
 Kenneth Bleu Campbell  (kneeling) and Uncle Pastor from Benton Harbor, Michigan, Rev. Doctor Ellis Hull, Sr. (1935 - 2007)in East St. Louis, Illinois, October 2003 after they administered the eulogy  for Ken's Father (Jeremiah Hull 1925 - 2005 ).  Jeremiah Hull is Ellis Sr's Elder Brother...
           Pictured from Left: Jack Hayford, Joyce Meyers, Eric Hayford Rhodes
Eric Rhodes is first cousin to Renowned Minister Jack Hayford, Travels and Performs with Television Evangelist Joyce Meyer's Ministry Praise Band and is a dynamic international evangelist, and director of Giant Killer Productions, a Gospel oriented media production ministry based in Nashville, Tennessee, and the syndicated sporting Fishing Show" Nature's Treasures."

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